Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Cheezburger of the Day

Abandoned Chihuahua Cartoon Project – Learning How to Draw a Chihuahua

A few years ago (when Nickelodeon Magazine was still alive and well) my pal and editor Chris Duffy asked me to pitch him some comic strip ideas...

how to draw a chihuahua ears head construction drawing poses sketch how to draw a chihuahua ears head construction drawing poses sketch\
I didn't know where to start. Chihuahuas were kind of a big trend at the time, so I started thinking about how to draw Chihuahuas.how to draw a chihuahua markings proportion puppy ears studies
I went to the library with my post-it notes and started trying to figure out how to draw a cute little cartoon Chihuahua…how to draw a chihuahua drawing poses roll over walk run sketch
After looking through tons of pictures and doodling my sketch studies, I couldn’t help falling in love with the little critters. They’re so cute with those big round heads and bulbous eyeballs and those teeny little bodies.how to draw a chihuahua sit stand lay posessketch how to draw a chihuahua drawing studiesOnce I felt comfortable with the basic animal anatomy I started to cartoon it up a little bit… how to draw a cartoon chihuahua poses proportion puppy ears character design
…and then finally I came up with this little guy:
Cartoon Chili Chihuahua early version character design Sherm Cohen
The marking on his forehead was scribbled quickly, and when I gave it another look, it looked like a chili pepper. Then the name popped into my head: “Chili Chihuahua!”
Cartoon Chili Chihuahua character design by Sherm Cohen
So this is the final result of those cartoon drawing explorations. I was really happy with it! And you know what? I tossed it all in a folder and haven’t done a darned thing with it since.

Oh, and lest I forget: Chili Chihuahua is TM and ©2011 by Sherm Cohen! ---After all, I might want to come back and revisit this little project someday :)

Cool Style Bro

Ah man this is entirely too effin smooth. The jacket man. The colors too, they just all go so well together. 
And this!? Aw man. Thats all I can say really. Women know what they're doing.
people need to realize the importance of the way jeans lay on shoes at the cuff. Its one of the most important things in an outfit. If it doesnt lay right it just makes it look sloppy and bad. This is a perfect example of it laying really well and the jean complimenting the shoe. Bravo!
Love the oversized big sweater look + boots look on girls. Mad swag. The hat is too cute too. 
aw man based god. This right here. Id say errthang is wavy except for that hat. lol otherwise hes good bread to the max.
The shoes are the only thing I have a problem with lol otherwise I love this look. Ive deff done this before. Love it, so comfortable.
Oh yeah Junior year errday swag haha I still do this when I get dressed up though. But the Pastel on earthtone colors are alwaayysss a good thing man. Always!
I mean.... its cool and all i Guess.... but I hate seeing this stuff.... like.... YAAWWNN you all look the same lol you would look like a Rick Owens boy band walking down the street on the way to do a concert dressed in costume. Its nice individually but when all of your friends look like you its really time to do something a little different in my opinion

Cool Pictures Bro

So happy I met him yesterday :D

Nicki Minaj Rules The World b

lmao this video is too funny. What a bad ass little kid, hes gotta be what like 11? Lol hes hilarious though

Imagine What It Looks Like From Inside The Building

Say you're some Greek government budgetary functionary and at your desk. Outside there are mobs protesting. Right in front of you are the fiscal facts - hopeless, every one of them. The feeling of desperation inside those buildings must be palpable.

Gadis 15 Tahun ini Diterima 13 Kampus di AS

PUTRICANDRAMIDI - Namanya Saheela Ibraheem, usianya baru15 tahun. Putri seorang imigran asal Nigeria itu bingung hendak melanjutkan sekolah di perguruan tinggi mana, sebab tidak semua kampus bersedia menerima anak seusianya sebagai mahasiswa.

Akhirnya Saheela mendaftarkan diri ke 14 perguruan tinggi, termasuk tujuh kampus Ivy League -- perguruan tinggi paling bergengsi di Amerika.

Hasilnya, ia diterima di 13 perguruan tinggi sekaligus. Termasuk 6 dari tujuh kampus Ivy League. Hanya Universitas Yale yang menolaknya, mungkin karena usianya dianggap masih agak muda.

Meskipun 13 perguruan tinggi menerimanya menjadi mahasiswa, ia harus berdebat berminggu-minggu untuk menentukan satu pilihan. Bimbang antara pilihan MIT dan Harvard, ia lalu mengunjungi kedua kampus itu bulan lalu.

Akhirnya, dengan mantap Saheela memilih Harvard.

"Dia mengunjungi Harvard dan dia jatuh hati dengan tempatnya," kata Shakirat Ibraheem ibunda Saheela, seperti dikutip Star-Ledger NJ (04/5).

Siswi SMA Wardlaw-Hartridge di Edison, New Jersey itu ingin menggeluti bidang neurobiologi atau neuroscience agar bisa menjadi peneliti yang mempelajari cara kerja otak.

Meskipun demikian, Saheela merasa otaknya biasa-biasa saja. Dia menganggap kedua orangtuanyalah yang berjasa mengajarkan dirinya cinta belajar dan bekerja keras.

Safara Ibraheem, ayah Saheela yang bekerja sebagai analis dan wakil presiden di sebuah perusahaan keuangan di New York, sering menemaninya belajar di malam hari dan memberikan pelajaran tambahan di rumah untuk materi yang tidak diajarkan sekolahnya.

Menurut gurunya, Saheela seperti siswa-siswa umumnya yang tidak menghabiskan waktunya hanya untuk belajar.

"Dia tekun dan sangat cerdas. Hanya saja dia terus mendorong dirinya sendiri," kata William Jenkins, direktur perkembangan di SMA Wardlaw-Hartridge.

Saheela juga unggul di aktivitas luar kelas. Dia atlet tiga olahraga, masuk tim softball, sepakbola dan renang. Di kelompok paduan suara sekolah dia menyumbangkan suara altonya dan pandai memainkan trombon bersama grup sekolahnya. Saheela adalah presiden kelompok investasi, kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang secara virtual mengajarkan para siswa bagaimana berinvestasi di dunia saham.

"Saya berusaha melakukan yang terbaik dalam setiap hal yang saya lakukan," kata Saheela. "Siapapun yang giat pasti berhasil," katanya membocorkan tips suksesnya.

Tak heran jika dengan ketekunannya, Saheela bisa loncat kelas beberapa kali sejak di sekolah dasar, berhasil menembus 13 perguruan tinggi terkemuka dengan nilai rata-rata sekolah 96-97 dari nilai tertinggi 100, dan mendapat skor SAT (ujian masuk perguruan tinggi) sempurna 800 untuk matematika, 790 untuk menulis dan 750 dalam membaca.

Dan yang paling membahagiakan dirinya, dia akan segera menjadi mahasiswa di universitas ternama, sekaligus akan menjadi salah satu mahasiwa termuda di Harvard musim gugur tahun ini.

"Saya akan menjadi salah satu yang termuda. Tapi bukan yang paling muda," kata gadis Muslim berkulit hitam manis yang tinggal di Piscateway, New Jersey, dan tak lama lagi merayakan ulang tahunnya yang ke-16 itu. *

Foto Penampakan Pak Polisi Yang Bikin Ngakak


ya ampun pak...teryata suka pake cd perempuan yah ??

Monday, May 30, 2011

Coco And Breezy Love ADEEN!

Aw yeah lookin real fly giiiiirrrlllllll :D 

600 Ainniversary of The Astronomical Clock in Prague

Well wow. I feel like Ralph Lauren used the same kind of technology for one of his fashions shows on the front of a building one year.... either a show or a presentation or a store opening. Either way, its amazing, heres another video of it in different places.

The Crux Of The Matter

Robert Samuelson has a typically excellent piece on the European debt crisis. In it is this nugget that you find over and over again in such pieces.
Europe is playing for time. It's struggling to delay any Greek default long enough for other vulnerable countries to demonstrate they can handle their debts.
Here's where it seems relatively simple to me, but isn't addressed in 99.99% of the pieces I read on the topic. There are two questions to ask, ones that are independent of scale. That is, they can be asked of your 10-year-old daughter, a corporate CEO or the head of a country.
  1. What are you going to do that people will be willing to pay for?

  2. How will you service your debts?
If you can't answer them satisfactorily, you're hosed and playing for time isn't going to do anything but prolong things. Neither Greece or the EU or Barack Obama can answer either of these. Our Monastery of Miscellaneous Musings has a great snippet illustrating just this point. Dean uses it to make a different one, but the content of the speech leaves you no doubt that not only does President Obama not have an answer to these questions, he doesn't even know they should be asked. The failure to address these crucial, foundational questions blows my mind.

The more I read both theology and economics, the more I become convinced that we're living at the end of an age of denial.

Asappl Magazine Write Up

A lot of nice things said about ch'boy in this one here. Read the rest of the article by clicking on the picture.

Sorry Guys! Outfit Of The Day Will Be Back Soon!

My in house photographer has been away for a few days but hes back today! So tomorrow they should start back up! In the meantime enjoy some hilarious pictures of me at the prom I went to! haha

kumpulan foto2 yg bikin sakit perut[fail/funny pic]

cekidot gann!!










