Thursday, January 20, 2011

Oh, If We'd Only Had The Interweb Tubes When I Was In College

I went to UCSD in the early 1980s. At that time, the campus was still peppered with aging 1960s/1970s radicals. These balding, ponytailed, grungy hippies were still students and helped act as the intellectual mentors of the hipsters who ran the Che Cafe, the Committee for World Democracy and all the dimwitted, pathetic lefty groups who were mimeographing signs to staple up on walls telling us that Ronald Reagan was going to lead us into nuclear war*.

These perpetual students would have been the perfect targets of this lovely video. Enjoy. (Warning: Some un-'Post-like language included.)

* - He didn't. He won the Cold War. The hippies moved on to other topics. (See also: warming, global.)